
Own a Roku device? If so, your information might have been compromised in the latest data breach

Published March 19th, 2024 by Bayonseo

Rokus has suffered a massive data breach, which affected an estimated of 15,363 customers. Sensitive personal information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card data has been exposed.

Roku made a public announcement on March 8th about the recent event and advised the public what the company is doing to combat this issue. According to Bleeping Computer, “the purported hackers who not only stole the data but used it to buy into streaming platforms and other products also sold off stolen Roku accounts for just $0.50 per individual”

These perpetrators targeted directly using so-called SilverBullet or Open Bullet 2 cracking tools. These types of tools allow hackers access into locked accounts by way of “credential stuffing” on Roku’s website, giving them full access to sensitive account information such as credit cards, emails, shipping addresses, and more.

It is strongly recommended to visit to reset your password using the “Forgot Password” tool. Once you have done that check that all of your information is in order and that you do not have any unauthorized purchases or addresses added to your account.

Even though Roku has stated that it secured all impacted accounts and has enforced a password reset whenever possible, they strongly recommend setting up two-factor authentication. This will make it a little more complicated for the perpetrators to access your personal accounts and steal your credit card information.

If you have any questions or suspect that your personal information has been compromised contact us for a FREE consultation.  

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